SPECIAL HOURS: Open Noon – 5


STORY TIME – Walter the Baker by Eric Carle

Walter the Baker is the best baker in all the land. One day, an accident forces him to use water instead of milk in his bread. Summoned to the castle by the disappointed and angry Duke and Duchess, Walter now faces a challenge. Can he create a new kind of bread that the sun will shine through three times, or will he and his family have to leave the Duchy?

Art Studio Activity – Marbling

Marble paper during Open Art Studio time. Create your own colorful masterpiece and proudly display it at home.

Art Studio Activity – Eric Carle Art

Create fun art in the style of Eric Carle.

Kitchen Lessons – Portobello Mushroom Sandwiches

Children will learn to read a recipe to completion, use new kitchen skills, and follow instructions as they work together to make (and eat!) this delicious treat.

Please Note: With the wide range of known food allergies, the museum can not guarantee that this program is allergen free. Please contact the Museum in advance if food allergies are a concern for your family.

Kitchen Lessons – TBA

Please Note: With the wide range of known food allergies, the Museum can not guarantee that this program is allergen free. Please contact the Museum in advance if food allergies are a concern for your family.

Kitchen Lessons – TBA

Please Note: With the wide range of known food allergies, the Museum can not guarantee that this program is allergen free. Please contact the Museum in advance if food allergies are a concern for your family.

Artist Residency: Josiah Golson

Local visual artist Josiah Golson is kicking off our 2017 artist residency series! Josiah will work in the art studio on most Tuesdays and Thursdays in July from noon to 2 p.m. Each week will focus on different artists that inspire Josiah’s art.

“We are excited to present this new level of artist instruction to our guests which will allow children and adults the chance to meet a professional artist, observe as the artist demonstrates his craft and work directly with the artist to create a unique art form,” said Liza Blair, arts manager at Creative Discovery Museum.

All activities are included with Museum admission. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from and create alongside Josiah Golson!

The residency is part of an Equity in the Arts program funded through ArtsBuild and the Benwood Foundation. ArtsLive receives support from Tennessee Arts Commission, ArtsBuild and Benwood Foundation.